Marlbank Inn & Superior Single Malts 

We have topped up on our single malt selection. Wow, how excited are we? I could talk about Single MAlts for days. In fact here is the gospel of SIngle malts.
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We have a massive following, with catchment areas of Malvern, Ledbury, Hanley Swan- our pub has always had a Golf & Rugby following and we continue to play sports. Since our takeover of the pub in May 2018; we’ve introduced some gorgeous wines, we knew it would take more than just that- so we’ve kept it rotating with gorgeous Ales, Lagers, IPA’s, new range of Single Malts and Gins. Oh, we have Cuban Cigar list that is to be envied. Join us, enjoy the Sun and smoke a cigar in the Malvern Hills. (Smoking is injurious to your health and not cool)- Alex, Manager Marlbank inn, Malvern, Worcestershire


Single Malts at the Marlbank Inn, Malvern | Japanese Single Malts

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Scotch Whiskeys

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We’re usually quite busy, however, if you’d like more info on our pub, finding us in Malvern or perhaps just visiting to see whats on offer.  You’d be our most welcomed guest. Resturant second; we’re a keen public house. So just turn up and we’ll try and best to get you seated. If you’d like more information on our menu or details on Booking Sunday lunch, our Weekly Food menu, we’re open 7 days a week and serving till late. Reach us on: 01684 310603.